From altered Facebook algorithms affecting the current state of digital marketing to examining the evolution of the hashtag, 2018 has been a busy blog year for McNutt & Partners. This New Year’s Eve, we’re taking a look back into the archives at McNutt & Partners’ top 10 blogs of 2018.
- “What Facebook’s Algorithm Change Means for Marketing,” February 5, 2018. The social media giant recently announced that it would be tweaking its algorithm to promote “meaningful, social interactions” for its users. What does that mean exactly? Read more.
- “The ROI of Email Marketing,” February 26, 2018. Email is still a powerful device to store in your digital marketing toolbox. Read more.
- “Lorem Ipsum: What Is It, and Where Did it Come From?” March 19, 2018. If you’ve ever looked at a website theme, a stock graphic, a pre-made page layout, etc., you’ve probably seen lorem ipsum. Read more.
- “7 Qualities of a Well-Designed Logo,” April 16, 2018. Whether you are designing your own logo or hiring an agency to do it, there are certain qualities of a well-designed logo that you should always pay attention to. Read more.
- “How Your Business Can Benefit from Having Its Own App,” June 18, 2018. Whereas apps were once reserved for larger-scale organizations, the market for branded apps has since opened up to a range of business models—from the individual entrepreneur to the mom and pop operation and beyond. Read more.
- “The Basics Behind Facebook Boosting,” July 30, 2018. Posting quality content on a regular basis to Facebook is one thing, but there’s a way to push that content a step farther in terms of who sees it, and that’s’ through boosting. Read more.
- “Not All Social Media Platforms Are Right for Your Business, and That’s OK,” September 10, 2018. The fact is, depending on the type of business you are marketing, certain social platforms simply may not make sense for your brand. Read more.
- “6 Ways Hashtags Have Changed Our Culture,” October 8, 2018. Eleven years ago, the same symbol that represents “pound” on a telephone opened up an entire new world of connectivity when it became the social media hashtag. Read more.
- “Why We’re Thankful for Life in Auburn, Alabama,” November 19, 2018. Though at McNutt & Partners our clients and employees are pretty spread out geographically, our home base is Auburn, Alabama. Read more.
- “McNutt & Partners’ 12 Digital Marketing Days of Christmas,” December 10, 2018. You’ve heard about the four calling birds and the partridge in a pear tree, but this is another story. Read more.
Whether you’re a regular blog reader or you’ve come here for the first time, thanks for checking out McNutt & Partners’ top 10 blogs of 2018—and for supporting our brand over the past year. We look forward to helping our clients in big ways in 2019! Happy New Year!
McNutt & Partners is a full-service advertising and digital marketing agency. Contact us today for your marketing needs! Call 334-521-1010, or visit our contact page.