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5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Social Media

Guess what? It’s the First Day of Spring! Whether the temperatures say so or not, it’s officially the season of new growth, fresh starts and more sunny days to come. It’s also a time for spring cleaning! Check out these ways to spring clean your social media to start the new season as your brand’s best social media self.

Update your cover photo.  

Still have that holiday-themed cover photo on your Facebook or LinkedIn page? It’s time for a change! It’s a good idea to make a schedule to update your cover photos on a quarterly or even monthly basis.

Review your page roles.

When is the last time you took a look at who has access to your branded social pages? One way to spring clean your social media is to make sure only the appropriate users have control over your socials. This includes removing access for former employees or persons who had previously managed your pages.

Make updates for page info that is out of date.

Do your hours change seasonally? Has your business moved locations? What about your website? When it comes time to spring clean your social media, check all of your page’s “about” info to make sure it is still relevant and accurate.

Clean up your inbox.

It’s easy to get behind on responding to direct messages when it comes to your branded social pages. After all, you’re running a business! Take time this spring to check for any messages you may have missed in your inboxes. Respond to those, and archive old messages that have been addressed.

Post! Especially if you haven’t in a while.

Finally, freshen up your pages with some fresh content! We hope you’re on a consistent posting schedule, but if you’re not, (and you haven’t posted in a while), take this spring cleaning checklist as a sign.


Spring clean your social media to strengthen your social media presence heading into the spring and summer. Need help? That’s where we come in!

McNutt & Partners is a full-service advertising and digital marketing agency. Contact us today for your marketing needs! Call 334-521-1010, or visit our contact page.

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