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8 Quick Tips for Writing Google Ads Copy

If you want to ensure that your website has a better chance of displaying in the top spot of a Google search, Google’s text ads, also known as pay-per-click ads, are one great way to do it. In short, these are the results that show up as “sponsored” at the top of a list of search results. With limited character counts, your messaging in the top spotlight and only seconds to grab attention, there is certainly an art to writing Google Ads copy.

Here, we’ll breeze through a couple of quick tips to help you get started.

Follow the format.

Google text ad includes headlines, a URL and descriptions. Headlines are limited to 30 characters each, and descriptions are limited to 90 characters each. In a standard Google text ad, you are allowed two headlines and one description. There are also expanded text ads, which offers up to three headlines and two descriptions.

Identify keywords.

When writing Google Ads copy, it’s critical that you include at least one keyword (aka, key phrase) that is relevant to what people are typing into the search box. For example, if you are advertising “chiropractic care in East Alabama,” then that key phrase should be included in your text ad. This is a phrase that people might naturally type into a search engine in order to prompt your ad to populate.

Be direct.

Google text ads are no place for flowery language or excessive words, especially since you are limited by character counts. It’s best to get directly to the point with what you are offering. Be clear in your messaging and leave no room for confusion. The second people have to try to understand what you’re selling is the second they skip over your ad.

Link to a landing page.

As we said earlier, a Google text ad includes a URL that will lead consumers to a place where they can take action or learn more information about your offers. Rather than sending everyone to your website’s home page, it is best practice to link to a specific landing page for the offer or service you are promoting in that particular ad. If you send someone to your home page, and they can’t immediately find what attracted them to the ad, they will likely stop their pursuit there.

Anticipate the consumer’s end goal.

Think ahead to what the customer ultimately wants. After all, she or he came to the search engine for a reason. Going back to our chiropractic example, using a headline like “Get Help With Back Pain” can be more effective than asking a question, “Are You In Pain?” Theoretically, if a person searched the key phrase “help with back pain,” then it’s already assumed that he or she is in pain—so no need to waste space on the question.

Think mobile-friendly.

The majority people browsing search engines are doing so from mobile devices. Check all your boxes to make sure your Google text ad is mobile-friendly. This includes using location and call extensions so that people can access your assets directly from their devices and making sure the URL you link to is optimized for mobile.

Always include a call to action.

It’s the Golden Rule of most all advertising initiatives, and it applies here as well! Whether it’s “Sign Up,” “Schedule Your Appointment,” “Learn More,” or “Buy Now,” give web users a clear call to action when writing Google Ads copy.

Give them a compelling reason to click.

Otherwise known as a “hook,” present ad viewers with an offer they can’t refuse. Acknowledge what consumers want and tell them how they can get it. Think promos, discounts, limited-time opportunities, offers ending soon. This sense of pledged gratification and urgency should give people a reason to click on your ad.


Google’s text ads are a way you can essentially pay for higher rankings in a Google search based on specified keywords. It’s a more effective way to get seen in search results than relying on organic means, especially if your brand is in its infancy. Using these standards for writing Google Ads copy can make the difference between an ad that appears professional and one that is disregarded as junk.

Need help? McNutt & Partners is a full-service advertising and digital marketing agency. Contact us today for your marketing needs! Call 334-521-1010, or visit our contact page.

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